Saturday, July 15, 2017


I just returned to the United States from Aruba late last night.  Starting Wednesday, July 12th until last night, I was almost completely disconnected from the Internet... and social media.  Our resort's Wi-Fi was "overloaded" (basically, their Wi-Fi could not support the number of people who wanted to use it) and I didn't have an international cell phone data plan.  Some of the restaurants we visited had limited Wi-Fi, so I could check-in on the happenings of family and friends and check-in with school-related items.  You don't really realize how active you are on social media until you are without it.  

I've heard people say "when you disconnect from social media, you reconnect with life."  From my experience, I'm not really sure that's true.  I wasn't able to communicate with my family and friends in the United States.  At all.  Many of my family and friends are going through life events and I couldn't check-in:
  • My dad is recovering from a hip replacement
  • My mom just bought a new home
  • One of my sisters just announced she is pregnant
  • My other sister started a new job
  • My best friend's grandmother is in the hospital
Rather than reconnecting with life, I felt shut-out from it.  

What do you think?  Does disconnecting from social media reconnect you with life?

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