Saturday, July 1, 2017

Loving and Loathing Twitter

"Hi. My name is Lauren and I am a social media junkie."

I connect on my smartphone and on my computer.  I am a producer, a consumer, and I even conduct research about it social media. However, there is one popular social networking platform that hasn't quite clicked with me: Twitter. I have a love/hate relationship with Twitter. I think that's why I can't totally get on board with it, yet I can't quite let it go.  

Why I love Twitter...
  • Real-time updates about current events
  • Exposure to perspectives other than my own 
  • Access to celebrities (yep, I'm that girl...)

Why I loathe Twitter:
  • It's confusing (well, at least to me...)
  • It requires A LOT of effort to keep up with conversations and hasthags (posts get buried)
  • Bots/spam accounts (#amiright)
  • Users hiding behind their keyboards to disseminate offensive content (fun fact: kids these days are calling them "keyboard warriors")
While my biggest gripe is the keyboard warriors (and there's nothing I can really do about that), conversations and hashtags getting buried is a close second.  

So, friends in the EME 6414 blogosphere... any tips or tricks to help alleviate this particular frustration?


  1. Confusing? Say more.

    Fab uses lists to help focus who he is reading at a particular time.
    I kind of follow my bliss. I won't be on Twitter for a stretch, then I will for an event or because I'm really bored (and I mean REALLY bored), and when I'm there I just do whatever amuses me and ignore the rest. I find tweeting with y'all pretty fun, and enjoy searching resources to share with you on Twitter. I do find a lot of good stuff is shared via tweets.
    In my twitter world I don't see the keyboard warriors. I ignore the spam. And the rest is all about serendipity.

  2. Part of my confusion (and frustration) stems from the updated reply feature. Apparently, Twitter handles no longer count in the 140-character limit, so additional people can be added to a reply (I was added to one recently). Multiple people can hold multiple conversations on the same thread. AND it is really hard to figure out who the original comment came from if you are late to the conversation. Just finding it hard to keep up! Maybe I'm just getting old?

    Thanks for sharing your Twitter habits. I think it is great advice :)

  3. I wish I could give you advice but I am in the same boat as you so don't feel bad. I find any kind of conversing back and forth to be too confusing so I don't even try. I also see some of the "keyboard warriors" (although I call them trolls or straight up bullies). I do pretty much the same thing as Vanessa and just go through sometimes when I have some time to waste (which isn't very often) and just amuse myself. I think if I was in business or was a celebrity or had some other reason to amass followers or spend more time there then I would certainly figure it out but since I'm neither I just don't see the need :)
